Christian Formation
Christian education of our children is the responsibility of the whole parish, and so the congregation is encouraged to get to know our young members and to involve them in the life and worship of St. James. From September to May, Christian Education for pre-kindergarten through 8th grade is held at 10 a.m. each Sunday. The children join their parents in church for Holy Communion.
Our church school program this year will focus on “Weaving God's Promises,” a three-year formation curriculum which has been fully revised and updated. This curriculum features class sessions structured around the Holy Eucharist and includes special sessions for the church seasons. The lessons are designed to be easy to understand and prepare.
We are always looking for adult volunteers to support our youth programs. Any time that you can give to our youngest members, our future and our present, is a blessing. We literally cannot do this without the support of our parish which must go beyond cheering for our kids, but ministering to them, in faith, too!
If you have any questions about SignupGenius, please reach out to Brigitte Cadigan, or Sue Deming at If you have curriculum or programmatic questions, please view the curriculum link on SignUpGenius, or reach out to either Brigette or Fr. George,
We have been doing Bible studies for many years, engaging different books of the Old Testament, many of the letters of the New Testament, the Gospels, and always using a guide to help us along the way. This season of Advent, Father George is creating a new study that will help us to share, explore, and experience the Advent season using Holy Scripture as our guide. We will rely heavily on the first chapter of Gospel of Luke and a bit of Matthew, Chapter 1, as we open up the prophetic possibilities there of what the coming Messiah will mean. How is John the Baptist such an important part of Jesus’s story, even before Jesus is born? What is the significance of the Angel’s appearance to Mary in what we now call ‘The Annunciation?’ More questions and the exciting Good News of the coming of our Lord and Savior await us.
Please join us via Zoom on Sundays at 12:30 for this Advent exploration. We will begin on Sunday, November 19th, and continue on the 26th, December 3rd, 10th, and end on December 17th (the third Sunday in Advent). The Advent Bible Study will be laid out below. We hope to see you there!
Session 1, Luke 1:1-25 The foretelling of the birth of John the Baptist
Session 2, Luke 1:26 – 38 The Annunciation to Mary
Session 3, Luke 1:39-56 The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
Session 4, Luke 1:57-80 The Nativity of John the Baptist
Session 5, Matthew 1: 18 – 24 Joseph’s Dream